Misshapen toes
Misshapen toes

If the deformity becomes rigid, all of the treatment modalities listed above may be used to help alleviate the symptoms, but in some cases surgical correction of the bone is necessary to straighten out the toes. There are a variety of treatment options including padding/splinting, orthotics, creams, and minor soft tissue procedures. The condition is easier to treat in the early stages as the toes are still flexible. If you notice your toes starting to shift or curl, or notice corns on the top of your toes, you should have your feet checked out sooner than later.

misshapen toes

Even the ones that claim to “measure” your foot place you in a broad category of that foot type. Most people do not fit into this category so they can end up causing stress on other joints and do more harm than good. In addition, the majority of them are designed for a “normal” foot type. I typically do not prefer over the counter arch supports because they are flimsy and do not support your entire body weight. They hold your feet in a correct position and can prevent unnecessary strain to the foot which can in turn cause deformed toes. Arch supports should be custom molded to your foot so that they provide stability. The orthotics can slow down the progression if they have already started to change. It is important to have arch supports ( orthotics) to prevent these deformities from occurring. Certain foot types, for example extremely high arches or flat feet, can lead to deformities in the toes. It occurs mostly because of our inherited foot type. Walking abnormally is not something we consiously do. The way we walk and the shape of our anatomy is typically inherited from our parents. Over time, the tendons and ligaments start to tighten and change the overall look of the toes. It is actually quite common for toes to transform in shape as we age. In addition to the look of the toes, patients also have complaints of pain as well.

misshapen toes

I frequently have patients coming into the office concerned about the appearance of their toes.

Misshapen toes